
Monday, January 16, 2012

The C Family {WNY Portrait Photographer}

 Everytime I photograph this family I have to laugh at how ridiculously good looking they are. Not only are parents Jim and Cami just gorgeous, they have three of the most beautiful little boys I have ever met. 

 Toddlers, as many know, don't have the best tolerance needed for portrait sessions but we managed to get through them quickly and cheerfully, as I reminded myself of the cake smash mayhem built. This time there were no melt downs from 2 yr. olds or 4 yr. olds eating poisonous berries behind bushes (oh yeah, it's happened). Just three happy, handsome little boys. 

 Cami wanted to book a holiday session that wasn't really holiday themed. So we started with updated shots of each of her little boys and moved on to the group shot. These are some of my favorite shots. 
 As always, thanks Cami and Jim! I look forward to seeing you and baby Micah in 2 weeks for his next session!

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