
Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Santana Family {WNY Portrait Photographer}

 I love shooting families full of strong and sure women. This one was no exception, with ridiculously awesome family members and respectful guys. Shannon booked with me after seeing a lot of my work floating around and hearing about the mini session special ten days ago. She booked double and it allowed us plenty of time to get some shots of the whole gang. 

 There are 3 girls in the family- Shannon, Manan and Kiernen- and even the littlest one was in charge and full of can-do attitude. Bill spent much of the session helping with the three kids and telling his wife how beautiful she is and their son Alex helped out by carrying props around for me. All in all this is a great family. These are some of my favorite shots.

 Thank you so much Shannon, I can't wait to get together again in a couple of weeks!

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