
Thursday, December 3, 2009

A couple of weeks ago, while shooting some portraits for my boyfriend, we happened upon a really interesting guy who I just had to follow. He was carrying what looked like part of a candelabra so we decided to check out what was going on. He was joined by three of his friends and one of them just happened to be sticking balls of fire in his mouth!

Kickass!, I thought. I asked him to do it again so I could shoot from the best angle. And he did! Turned out they were from the group Burn Buffalo.

This is Robert. He eats fire. How effin' cool is that?

Doktor Potter Dee, the cruise director of the four.

The Good Wizard Time, who almost made me weak in the knees.

And this lady is Kindal. She is impressive as hell if anyone ever gets to checkout a Burn Buffalo practice or event.

You can check them out here on Facebook.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tim, not Time! heehee

Thanks for the photgraphs. We'll keep in touch with you when we have our next practice.