These images are from the second series I was showing at the Celebration of the Arts on Oct. 30th. They were shot over a period of 8 months in the Buffalo/Niagara Falls area and are some of my favorites to date.

Everywhere I've lived has invoked a strong feeling of one sort or another from me. Whether it was awe of my surroundings in the Mid-West, a sense of urgency while living in the larger East coast cities or relaxed when I lived in the mountain towns of W. Virginia. No place has quite roused the same feeling in me that W.N.Y. does. At times, it seems like rather large, once booming areas have become ghost towns. Other times it is so vibrant and rich with culture, but what I find most beautiful about the areas are the abandoned buildings, defunct factories, grafitti on the walls and finding items that were set down to be picked up later but never were.
Some of the shots for the series felt very lonely to me, so I took a lot of time considering the post production work I put into them.

The first and last image posted here seemed to get the most response in the show, and I have decided to only release 10 16x24 prints to be sold. They are each numbered and signed and can be framed.
Prints of all the images are available for sale, and if you are interested in pricing information and seeing the entire collection, please leave me a comment with your contact info.

1 comment:
I love the last one. Especially since I know exactly where the spot is, and I can see how you have captured it so artfully!
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